The Civil War (1861-1865): A History Podcast

In which the action shifts south, as the fighting in & around Viniard Field heats up on the afternoon of the second day of the battle.

Direct download: CW401.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 9:38am MST

In which the two armies continue to slug it out on the northern part of the field on the afternoon of the second day of the battle.

Direct download: CW400.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 10:16am MST

In which the combat continues to heat up on the second day of the battle as division after division, and brigade after brigade, is fed into the fight.

Direct download: CW399.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 9:02am MST

In which the fighting continues to escalate on the morning of the battle's second day (September 19, 1863).

Direct download: CW398.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 10:33am MST

In which we look at the start of the fighting on the morning of the second day of the battle (September 19, 1863).

Direct download: CW397.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 5:34pm MST

In which we finish talking about events on the first day of the battle (September 18, 1863), and set the stage for the next day's fighting.

Direct download: CW396.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:29pm MST

In lieu of a regular episode, this is a talk that Rich gave this past week to a group in Denver when he & Tracy were invited to share about the podcast and the Civil War.

Direct download: CW_Talk.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:11pm MST

In which the first shots of the Battle of Chickamauga are fired on September 18, 1863, as the Confederates force their way across the creek.

Direct download: CW395.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:20pm MST

In which a frustrated Bragg misses out on a couple of opportunities to cripple the enemy by striking at isolated segments of the Yankee army.

Direct download: CW394.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 9:21am MST

In which Rich was on the loose east of the Mississippi, visited some battlefields, and made some videos.


Direct download: Videos.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 4:37pm MST

In which we continue setting the stage for the Battle of Chickamauga.

Direct download: CW393.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 3:58pm MST

In which we continue setting the stage for the Battle of Chickamauga.

Direct download: CW392.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:00pm MST

In which we get a start on the Chickamauga story arc.

Direct download: CW391.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 5:11pm MST

In which we look at the action at the Battle of Sabine Pass (Texas), which took place on September 8, 1863.

Direct download: CW390.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 4:32pm MST

In which we set the stage for the dramatic September 1863 battle at Sabine Pass, Texas.

Direct download: CW389.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:24pm MST

In which we look at the Battle of Honey Springs, which took place in Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) on July 17, 1863.

Direct download: CW388.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:01pm MST

In which we look at the story of the Confederate ironclad CSS Atlanta.

Direct download: CW387.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:13pm MST

In which we wrap up our discussion of the Tullahoma Campaign and get ready to start in on the Battle of Chickamauga.

Direct download: CW386.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 2:41pm MST

In which Rosecrans' long-awaited campaign in Middle Tennessee finally gets started...

Direct download: CW385.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 3:52pm MST

In which we continue to set the stage for the start of the Tullahoma Campaign, which took place in Tennessee in late June/early July 1863.

Direct download: CW384.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 5:37pm MST

In which we head back out west of the Appalachians to Tennessee and set the stage for the Tullahoma Campaign.

Direct download: CW383.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 4:29pm MST

In which we wrap up our look at the story of the 54th Massachusetts and their part in the Federal assault on Battery Wagner outside Charleston in July 1863.

Direct download: CW382.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 7:33pm MST

In which we start to look at the story of the 54th Massachusetts and their part in the Federal assault on Battery Wagner outside Charleston in July 1863. 

Direct download: CW381.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 2:23pm MST

Direct download: TracysDad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26am MST

In which we look at the Gettysburg Address.

Direct download: CW380.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:03pm MST

In which we wrap up the Gettysburg battle/campaign story arc.

Direct download: CW379.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 5:12pm MST

In which we look at the aftermath of Pickett's Charge, and get the Confederates started off on their retreat from Gettysburg.

Direct download: CW378.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:42pm MST

In which the Federals repulse Pickett's Charge.

Direct download: CW377.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 7:29pm MST

In which the two wings of the great charge roll forward...

Direct download: CW376.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 6:14pm MST

In which we get Pickett's Charge underway...

Direct download: CW375.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 1:15pm MST

In which we say 'thank you!' for your many kind expressions of concern & support over the last several days.

Direct download: ThankYou.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 4:14pm MST